You asked and I Answered
I’ve answered the questions you’ve had in mind for years.
The process of hair pigmentation can be applied to people having prior unsatisfactory hair implant experiences, people experiencing any kind of hair loss, having any kind of hair loss diseases, baldness, phallocratic problems.
Though hair pigmentation is a process other than average tattooing, in terms of usage of more sensitive machines, special pigments and colours special needles applied on the scalp. While applied on the sensitive scalp, this procedure requires different specified professionality and experience.
You can have an hair pigmentation process at least after 2 months.
As the process of hair pigmentation does not go as deep under the skin as hair implant, it is not as painful as the process of hair implant. Every single patient could resist the pain so far.
Yes, I can apply hair pigmentation before hair implantation. This was the case with one of my toiles. The young toile had no hair at all on his top scalp, he requested a hair pigmentation form for no hair types. Nevertheless, one year later he wasn’t satisfied with the hairstyle, so he added a type of hair implant treatment. On the top of that we had another treatment of hair pigmentation for thickening hair density.
All these steps are archived with pics and videos. To get more information about this process you can contact me.
This is a very specific issue. You can send me pictures about your situation via contact cannels and I can give you an objective advice which treatment to choose.
You can have a hair pigmentation process without having your hair cut. Nevertheless, applying hair pigmentation on short hair varies in application length and difficulty from an application on a longer hair scalp. Paint reaching hair roots is more difficult to clear away what again needs more time. When pre planning the treatment, you should inform me about the length of your hair.
If you send me your photos through our communication channels, I can evaluate you objectively and tell you what action to take.

As the first artist to introduce hair pigmentation to turkey, I can say that several people having bad experience with hair pigmentation find me and complain about bad work. Nevertheless, I’m neither setting the rules nor can I penalize others. That means that I only focus on how I can help people consulting me as bedevilled bad hair pigmentation victims. Generally, I can’t accept those with unsavable bad done hair pigmentations. To be able to cover up old treatments an intense consultation is necessary.
You don’t have to shave down your hair completely. The question what must be done prior hair pigmentation can be clarified through my consultation.
Hair pigmentation does not only not harm the actual hair, it even makes it stronger. The process of hair pigmentation stimulates the capillary vessels and thus the hair gets stronger and denser for a period.
The paint, pigment used in the process of hair pigmentation is definitely not harmful to human health. This paint is produced abroad in laboratories within a long process of researches and tests. Besides that, the pigments I used are only produced for me, they are special and can not be used by others. This is another aspect what makes my hair pigmentation unique.
I usually suggest applying hair pigmentation on a complete basis on the whole scalp.
Nevertheless, some local hair loss cases such as scars or burns, remains of fut hair implantation can be covered up locally.
But it would be wrong to say that I treat all kinds of local areas. In such a case please contact me for consultation.
Within a case of hair burn there is a loss of hair. In such cases I use a special method to cover up burn scars. Furthermore, it would even be wrong to even compare my work with others in this market.
On the top of everything I can even reach a 100 % cover up effect and push up your psyche. People with these kinds of special issues are regarded as medical tattoo patients and are treated even more sensitive.
If there are scars on your scalp, and if there is no hair growth on this area, I can cover them up with a natural looking process of hair pigmentation.
I firstly applied the technique on an alopecia patient in 2011 when he called me and asked me to do so. Those days this at that time 18 years old patient was following me and researching my medical tattoo techniques.
While I started with pigmenting little, local areas I improved my self to cover complete scalps for patients with Alopecia Universalis, Totalis, Areata. Similar to that also Liken Planus patients can their shares from this procedure. It is not exaggerated if I say that I even saved some suicide risked people
A high-quality application does not change its colour. As important as the quality of paint is the method applied during the process. You can keep tabs of my work through social media and this web site even after years. I can claim with my head up high: this is my job and I’m a world brand in this area. There; no need to be prudent, my results speak for themselves.
The process of hair pigmentation is painful to a special degree as it is applied under skin. Although, till now there was no one not finishing the process. But it is a fact that it is not as painful as hair implantation.
I’m not a man of god, but the process of hair pigmentation serves the mental health of people. And this again leads to a higher life quality. This has to be regarded as a medical issue.
The main differences are a more sensitive machine, special needles and special pigments. Obviously, there is an entirely different methodology used within hair pigmentation. Under these circumstances one has to keep in mind that the aspect of professional artwork, talent and experience mustn’t be underestimated when it comes to decisions about type of hair, which needle has to be used or which density is necessary.
Yet the proficiency in hair pigmentation is honestly hard work to be gained. Within the hundreds of treatments, I’ve had I always tried to improve each time. I’ve never regarded this work as a make a money process. You need to leave my office 100% satisfied. I must see the smile in your face.
You can go into water contentedly after this procedure. There are no restrictions within the process of hair pigmentation against swimming or water contact. In fact, swim a lot, do sprorts. Stay young ?.
Yes, you can go into the pool. As I said before there are no restrictions concerning water. Swim do sports and have fun.
You can do sports after hair pigmentation, there is no harm if you sweat. Sports makes you fit. Take car of yourself. I need you, my dear toile candidate. ?
You can consume alcohol if you wish, or join a wedding, or even join a square dance? my dear toile candidate. ? cheers…
You can go into the sea without any concerns. Nothing to fear, what I applied on you no saltwater can erase. The pigments are now a part of you, under your skin.
I always finish one process within 8-10 hours using my own techniques. One patient takes one day, one session.
If there should be a need of a retouch session, what generally is not necessary, will be hold within 2 months in the price included. Your treatment is under FAtih Serdaroğlu guarantee.
After a hair pigmentation session, you can go out under average daily routine weather conditions. Though if you have to stay under the plain sun for more than one hour you should use a hat. Otherwise you could also get sunstroke.
Take care, I need you. ?
One session of hair pigmentation takes generally 6-10 hours. I suggest sparing one whole day only for this treatment, it’s not an advantage to be rushed. I dignify what I do and want you to appreciate the treatment and give me the time I need. You are the one to be happy at the end.
You can just continue living your normal life. There’s only one restriction I have to make, you shouldn’t use the sauna for 2 weeks. After that the healing process will be completed, and everything is normal again. ?
To get the hair pigmentation treatment you might come from other cities or even countries. You will be separated from family or work, what again is related to some additional costs and expenses. Why should I keep you occupied by dividing the session into some more.
I have got the abilities, talents and experience to finish the work in one session. So just leave yourselves into my hands. I’m going to make you look 10 years younger within one single day.
What’s to that?
Hair tattooing and hair simulation are the same thing. Different names does not change the treatment.
Actually, when I first started with this treatment in Turkey I had to give it a name. I thought about this for a long time. Hair tattooing has got two original names.
One is: Scalp Micro Pigmentation, the other: Hair Pigmentation. Translated into Turkish we have something like ‘Saç Pigmentasyonu’.
But it wouldn’have been possible to explain what I do in these terms so I decided to call it Hair Tattooing at the first place. To sum it up Hair tattooing is originally called Hair Pigmentation.
Yes, hair pigmentation and Hair shading are the same treatmens with other names.
- Hair Tattooing
- Hair Pigmentation
- Hair shading
- Hair simulation
- Hair micro pigmentation
- Trikopigmentation
- Scalp micro pigmentation
- Scalp pigmentation
- Scalp follicle pigmentation
- Hair line tattoo
- Hair tattoo
- Hair repair
The process is directly applied by myself, Fatih Serdaroğlu. If you look for the real artist of hair pigmentation, you are right at the right place. I’m also happy you found me. Welcome!
There is a high pressure applied on me to teach this procedure. At the moment I’m not thinking about teaching it, but that doesn’t mean I will not do it one time, just keep following me…
At the moment, there’s no disposition planned, but what is not doesn’t mean there won’t be at all. Just keep following…
There’s no disposal for hair pigmentation machines and tools. But there might be in the future, and if there will be, you can be sure it will be the best.
Keep following ?
I have a phone I’m looking after myself. From here you can reach me, send me pics over whattsapp, and get information about anything including prices and appointments.
The prices depend on the treatment necessary for the scalp. It is nearly impossible to name a clear price scale. Seeing the pics of the hair or having a face to face conversation is a better way to name a price. Generally people claim there is only a little area, or 2-3 fingers broad would be enough, I don’t need more can be common thoughts. But this is mostly not reality.
I’m not underestimating my job, if I apply the treatment only on small areas the result would be stained. This has to be avoided and thus the treatment could have to be applied on the entire scalp.
That’s why you should please the decision to me as a professional. Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands.
You imagine, Fatih Serdaroğlu makes you hairy? .
There are many cases where people contact me for a tattoo delete of their badly done hair pigmentations. Yes, you can delete a hair tattoo through laser treatment, but the healthy hair roots on your scalp will be harmed. People with complete baldness can have a laser treatment for deleting the pigmentation with no problems.
Whereas people with little or more hair this is not that easy. Nevertheless, for deleting a tattoo you should ask for a professional doctor’s consultation.
If there’s a case where I can cover up bad hair pigmentations, I will do it, but otherwise I will have to refuse. Mony isn’t everything. ? health comes first, than aesthetics,…
Make good researches!!
My hair pigmentations are long lasting. It won’t fade and stay for at least 5/6 years, after that it can start to fade. As it is the case with every under-skin treatment hair pigment will also be rejected by the body.
This mechanism of the human body can lead to slight fading.
Yes, there can be several hair pigmentation applications on each other. Imagine we had a session, and the treatment we decided does not satisfy you in terms of density, and you decide to go darker in colour.
No problem ? giving it some more time we can go darker. It’s just important to stay in touch my friends…
Even if not a lot, hair pigmentation can be painful to a special degree. Though some people might have a low pain threshold might have troubles to bear the pain.
We can avoid troubles by using some anaesthetic creams or other medications, but as I experienced these medications also stretch the healing procedure. As a result, maybe you could just be strong and bear the little pain.
Call it hair pigmentation or hair tattooing, I’m the one you should choose. I’ve to say that I am a master tattoo artist and instructor since 1997. 2011 was the first time I started with hair pigmentation and introduced the procedure to Turkey. Since that time, I developed my technique to perfection by giving the pigmentation a natural look. I wrote about it in my book. I’m a perfectionist. Let’s call it an obsession for doing the best. I’m unique not only in Turkey but also worldwide.
People from all over the world travel for hours to let me do their hair pigmentations. I’m aware of the burdens they make to come to Turkey for me, that’s why I feel the responsibility to act as a cultural ambassador.
I make their hair tattoo perfectly and send them back to their countries satisfied. You have such an artist in your country, so don’t force me to brain drain.
What else should I say ?
Within the process of hair pigmentation, I developed my own techniques and pigments. As it the case as a tattoo artist I gained a status of uniqueness. I didn’t copy others. Others tried to copy me. I have hundreds of artworks applied to hundreds of different hair types. As my origins lies on tattooing and being a researcher, I spend a lot of time and money to develop a perfection. I’m getting the results with my works. The job as a tattooing artist started in 1997 prepared me seriously to the career of a hair pigmentation artist started in 2011. You will meet a totally natural and dominating artist. Who else would you go with?
Thank you, and we get in touch tomorrow then…?
lthough hair pigmentation is not regarded as a medical surgery, hygiene has absolute priority as it is a treatment under skin. All tools to be used except the machine itself are disposable ones.
The aspect of hygiene has a prior status in my work as I also mentioned it in my books.
You can trust me and lay back. ?
I love to travel around. When I’m in Istanbul I don’t have the mentality to rest on weekends or holidays. Thus, I’m often abroad besides that you might have to catch a free day, so pleas call me prior, so we can arrange an appointment.
Let’s arrange a meeting!
I necessarily record my work and take pictures, furthermore its an essential part of my work. But If you don’t want to be recognized, I’m fine with that. I will cover you face on the pictures.
I sensitive on this. Respect!
- Raise the density of sparse hair
- Prior unsatisfactory hair implant treatments
- Prior hair implant treatments with not enough donor
- Delete hair implant marks
- Cover up fut hair implant marks
- People/ women with long but sparse hair structure
- People with hair on the sides but not on the top of the scalp
- People with complete baldness
- People with Palade syndrome
- Alopecia and such other diseases
- Short haircuts with sparse hair
- If you want to get rid of hair protheses
- Burned hair
- Scars on the scalp with partial hair loss
At the segment of contact you can find more about the location of my tiny office. Be comfortable, let yourself go and enjoy.
You will leave my office with a new page in your life, you can be sure!